Fahlhaus Demos
In addition to studio releases, Alyson and I have been working on home studio demos of some of more recent songs, and songs from my way-back catalog. Alyson adds piano and arrangement touches as well as doing all the engineering. Most of these feature acoustic guitar, piano & harmonica
Will be posting them here for free streaming, Will be more added.
In future, will be making available for paid downloads.
After the Revolution - Having a punk rock moment - humous commentary on revolutionary politics.
​Always a Wall – Country tune, with a bit of melancholy.
​Birds – meditation on birds, wheels, words and light.
Blown Around –love song of a sort
Blue Dreams – folk song of a particular kind of lost love
Dealer Don’t Know – From my sad song years. There’s a version of this on the album Life is Good. We redid here because Alyson’s piano added gave it some additional beauty
Fine New World – 3am insomnia
Into the Sunrise -Why does the hero of the western ride off into the sunset? He’s not going to get far on horseback in the dark. This guy’s waiting for morning.
​Lost and Found – Some wordplay made a story
New Tattoo – Gonna get a new tattoo
Promises – Story of two people I knew a very long time ago.